103.7 iheart 80s
103.7 iheart 80s

103.7 iheart 80s

Radio Stations iHeart80s Radio iHeart80s Radio Commercial-Free 80s Hits 99 19 Format: Classic Hits Owner: iHeartMedia Contact Website: Excelente radio. "The '80s brought the UNITED STATES our second British invasion which also inspired a new generation of American artists to create music that still resonates strong 30 years later," said iHEARTMEDIA ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES President JOHN SYKES.

103.7 iheart 80s

"This one night only event will bring some of the greatest songs ever written to fans who grew up with them as well as those who are just now discovering this era that changed our culture forever." And when listen the music, live in and enjoy. "From music to fashion to the birth of the millennial generation, the '80s are back and hotter than ever," said iHEARTMEDIA President of National Programming Platforms TOM POLEMAN. "It is the perfect time to recapture the carefree, 'work hard, play harder' attitude of the '80s with an incredible night bringing together the past and the present of music." 80s Plus Radio, San Francisco, California. Get your 80's Fix and more on with 80s+ Radio at 103.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay area and on the iHeartRadio app. Were sorry, no articles on this topic are currently available. IHEARTMEDIA AC, Hot AC, Top 40, and Classic Hits stations nationwide will launch a six-week promotional campaign on JANUARY 11th, with a contest to win a trip to LOS ANGELES to see the show. The Woody Show is highly interactive, socially engaging, appointment radio.

103.7 iheart 80s